Elemental Interaction: Enemy elements, Conflict
Five of Wands: Strife, Conflict, Debate, Competition, Contest, Hassles, Annoyance, Irritations, Trivialities
Eight of Cups: Moving on, Disentanglement, Starting a journey, Search for meaning, Discovery, Spirituality, Finding hope, Weariness
5 of Wands / 8 of Cups
Walking away from petty arguments and disagreements, rather than wasting energy on the silly stuff.
Tiring of constant conflict and moving on to find deeper meaning and emotional fulfillment.
8 of Cups / 5 of Wands
Becoming aware of what one truly values through conflict and strife.
Leaving on a journey which will stretch one beyond their comfort zone.
In a relationship issue this combination invokes an image of people constantly arguing, struggling and annoying each other. The 8 of Cups is a card of search for real value and meaningful relationship, both within ourselves and with others. Because these two cards are enemy elements, the disputes, annoyances and arguments in the 5 of Wands will probably never cease, so it's best to move on to something that will be more compatible with ones true nature.
This could also signify an internal conflict which can only be resolved by learning what is truly valuable and fulfilling in life and choosing to live according to ones own true values.
“To thine own self be true.”