Psychic impressions, imagination, and fantasy may be strong for the next couple of days. We feel impressionable and sensitive, and a bit unfocused. This is not a time to work on practical affairs, however time spent in creative pursuits, visioning and even just daydreaming will bring emotional tranquility. Just looking at these two cards gives one a sense of the power of the feminine polarity. In both cards non-action is emphasized. Even though this is the 4th of July weekend, parties may not be as lively as they would be at other times.
The High Priestess, keeper of secret knowledge, communicates to us through dreams and psychic impressions. She sits at the doorway to the inner temple and silently reminds us that if we desire entrance, the price will be to leave our conscious and rational mind behind. Though the veil behind her eclipses view of what lies beyond, we can get a glimpse of it around the veil’s edges.
It looks like pleasant enough terrain beyond the waters, but I believe that terrain leads right to the territory pictured in The Moon card. The two towers look like a gate and are faintly reminiscent of the two pillars between which the High Priestess is seated. The path which leads into the Moon's domain seems long but clearly visible. This may be an illusion for it is easy to get lost in this territory in the pale, reflected half-light of the moon which turns to complete darkness when she is new. Shadows appear to move of their own volition and we easily imagine all sorts of things alive in the darkness when our vision is not clear. The atmosphere is charged with a strange and powerful magnetism and the territory is unknown. It is wise to stay close to the middle path which leads to the distant high mountains, for if we veer too far off, we may not find our way back. Mountains are associated with spiritual ascent in the Tarot so if we manage to stay on the path we are at least promised that the inner reward will be of value.
There is no Minor Arcana card assigned to the Moon in Pisces in the Golden Dawn system, however the Moon in Pisces is assigned to the 9 of Cups by A. T. Mann, "a prominent Tarot scholar who is well versed in astrology." Anthony Louis, Tarot Plain and Simple.
This is a card of personal satisfaction, comfort, happiness, pleasure and success.

Even the mice on the rafter above his head look happy and well fed!
The 9 of Cups is called "The Wish Card" so perhaps the weekend spent in creative visioning and freeflowing imaginings about what we most want in our lives will prove to be a good way to pass our time. And it appears that those 4th of July parties may be more lively than I had first thought!
So let the 9 of Cups set the tone for the celebrations this weekend, and may I wish a happy and satisfying 4th of July to all!
Micki, great post. I could so relate to every word you wrote. My Moon is also in Pisces and I have been studying the High Prietess. I had a very vivid dream last night that I was making friends with a spider. I am deathly afraid of spiders so this dream has me pondering the deeper meaning in relation to my life and its message, a possible message from the High Priestess. Thanks for the post and how the Moon in Pisces may be affecting our life at this time and to make some sense of it.