Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tarot Affirmations

I love affirmations! I use them because I have an overactive mind which tends to focus on the negative if I leave it untended for long. So I use positive affirmations to keep it busy and out of trouble.

Though I like the idea of daily draws, I've never had much luck with them. Sometimes they are extremely relevant, but just as often for me, they aren't, and I end up playing guessing games with myself about how the card is going to show up in my experience for the day. Also, if it's a difficult card, I tend to react negatively which is not my idea of a good way to either start or go through a day!

Well, I've fallen out of the habit lately of using my affirmations and I decided I should begin to do so again because I was noticing that my overall attitude has become more and more negative since I've been forgetting to do them. Just as I was thinking about this an idea flashed through my mind.  Why not ask the cards what to focus on for the day?  Then I thought of James Ricklef's book Tarot Affirmations, which I don't have yet and was wishing I did, and thought well create your own affirmations!  (I still plan to get his Tarot Affirmations book also.)

So I sat down with my cards, asked for a suggestion from them for what to focus my mind on for the day and drew the Three of Cups, feeling a sense of relief that the suggestion was a positive card!

This is a card of joy and celebration.  The pumpkin in the lower right corner of the card shows us that the time of year is harvest and this celebration is in gratitude for an abundant and prosperous harvest.

It was not difficult to create an affirmation for this card:

"I celebrate my abundance with joy and gratitude."
Then I put the picture of this card in the Windows Picture Viewer and put it on my computer desktop in the upper left corner, so whenever I look at it during the day I'll remember to recite the affirmation, think of something in my life which is abundant and express my gratitude for it.

Of course, my mind tells me that the cards won't always be as positive as this one.  In a case like that I'll accept the card as a challenge and see what I can come up with for a positive affirmation for the card.  There is no card in the deck which doesn't have both a positive and negative side to it.  Some just hide their positive sides better!

James Ricklef's beautiful website can be found here.

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