Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A New Game

I ran across this blog post from September 25, 2009 on a blog named Paradigm Shift, and decided it is well worth sharing.  As I read through it I found I was reading about my own life-long struggle, except that I hadn't found the answer yet. Well, there is an an12swer. According to this article you just:

Stop Playing The Game

“The game keeps us searching, comparing and fighting for relief but there is none. Perhaps brief flashes of liberation, but they are always fleeting.

So is there anything we can do?


Quit playing the game.

Surrender. Just give up. Decide you are not going to play the game anymore.

Turn your life over to your higher self. Trust in the part of you that is infinite. A part of you that, believe it or not, is omnipotent – all knowing. Why in the world would you want to limit yourself to your finite mind? A mind so cluttered and full of lies and deceit that it really can’t even see the world for what it truly is.”

I had already started to catch on to this, but I haven't been able to implement it very well yet.  As I read on I saw The Hanged Man in the words written on the page, and realized finally just what that man is doing hanging there, apparently of his own free will.  He's stopped playing the game and turned himself over to a higher power to guide his life for him.  That's why he looks so serene!  When we stop playing the game, a world of worry and weight is lifted from our shoulders and we begin to relax and accept our experience, moment by moment,  without needing to control or judge it. 

Since my ego seems to need a game to play, I can say that this one is just as much a challenge as the old one was.  It isn’t easy to maintain this surrender.  I have to re-commit to it everyday, and then remind myself several times during the day of my commitment.  But, if my ego has to have a game to play, this sure is the one I would rather play!


See entire post “Stop Playing The Gamehere.

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