Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Four of Cups


Cups represent water and water needs to flow freely.  So it isn't hard to see why this element wouldn't fare well in the solid and staid structure of the number four.  When water is contained and prevented from flowing it becomes stagnant. 

It is often the same with our emotions.  We may feel bored and apathetic; or distant and withdrawn, feeling like we are unable to connect with others.  There are no real problems, but we're not feeling any joy either.

The real problem with this card is that when we are feeling like this, we are not open to new possibilities and may miss the very thing which will help us.  The figure in the card is so self-absorbed that he fails to see the offer of the fourth cup which might contain the very thing he needs to snap out of it and begin feeling connected again. 

This may not be a time to try to kick up our heels and go paint the town, but simply reaching out connecting with someone we care about can go a long way to getting our emotions flowing again and helping us to realize we are not so alone and isolated after all.


Image:  Universal Waite 4 of Cups

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