Sunday, January 23, 2011

Seven of Pentacles

Pentacles 7

A farmer pauses to survey his work with satisfaction.  Though it is not yet mature, he knows the crop will produce a good harvest and he thinks of his plans for the future. 

The 7 of Pentacles suggests it may be time to take stock of what we are working toward to find out where we stand.  Review what has been done to this point checking to see that everything is still on course.  Evaluate the worth of what has been achieved and assess the progress in various areas to see if a different approach in some areas should be considered.  

This card can also indicate that it may be time to consider a change in direction or trying a new strategy.  Look into some different approaches and weigh the possible benefits of such a change.

However, do not forget to relax for a bit and enjoy what has already been accomplished. A lot of hard work has been invested already, and a pat on the back is in order.  This is a card of slow steady progress toward a long range goal.  Don’t forget to take note of and enjoy each stage of growth along the way.


Image:  Robin Wood Tarot 7 of Pentacles

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