Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ace of Wands


A new horizon appears and invites us to explore it. 

The Aces represent the essential energy which permeates their suit, containing the undeveloped seed which sprouts and grows as the suit progresses. 

This is a card of potential for an exciting new adventure, a new vision, a new sense of life and the feeling of abundant energy.  Everything seems to spring to life and we find a new sense of vitality and purpose. 

When the Ace of Wands appears it is a sign that we need to stay open to something new that we find inspiring so we will not miss the potentially wonderful opportunity that it carries within it.  Throw caution to the winds and look into whatever this Ace presents, be it a new venture, an opportunity to travel, a new area of interest, or an inspiring vision.  Follow it wherever it may lead and enjoy..

Carpe diem!  Seize the day! 


Image:  Thoth Ace of Wands

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