Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Six of Swords

This card is a welcome sight for those of us who have had a struggle on our hands.  It represents an easing of tensions after a period of conflict, either internal or external.  55

Traditionally this is a card of rest and recovery, possibly even rescue from a violent or potentially violent situation; moving away from danger to a place of peace and safety; travel over water; moving from turbulence into calmer waters. 

In the Lo Scarabeo Tarot, pictured here, the six swords appear in the form a six pointed star, a Star of Hope, and the Rose Cross on the figure's blue robe along with the hand-held rose give the feeling of movement from a turbulent mental state into the calm, healing energy of the Heart. 

This card can also represent that flash of insight that comes with thinking outside the box or arriving at a perfect understanding of all the elements surrounding a discordant and contentious issue.

“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
   - Albert Einstein

Reversed, this card represents resistance to help, or being too tired and despondent to recognize it. It can also indicate being stuck in a mental rut where we are unable to see any solution.  The need to relax and let go of our “treasured position” is strongly emphasized.  There is a need to entertain the idea that we may not be "right" about whatever it is that we are insisting on.


Image:  Lo Scarabeo Tarot 6 of Swords

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