Monday, January 17, 2011

Eight of Wands


 “Act now” is the call of the day.  Whatever you've had on the back burner, or been waiting to finish, now is the time to pull it out and do it.

Swiftness is a common title for this card and it is associated with Mercury in Sagittarius bringing to mind the swiftness of quicksilver combined with the expansive, optimistic fiery sign Sagittarius.

Act now with a sense of confidence in yourself and a clear picture of what you want, and it will be yours.

This card represents synchronicities, quick communications, ease in travel and everything coming together at once.

Reversed this card can signify a feeling that everything is happening too fast and spinning out of control.  Or it can counsel that now is not the time to act.  Slow down and wait awhile. It can indicate delays in communications or travel plans or just a general lull in activity.


Image: Hanson-Roberts Tarot 8 of Wands

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