Like her phases, there are many sides to the Moon. It represents our emotions and instinctive behavior and the cycles found in nature. It is also a card of dreams, visions, imagination and increased psychic impressions.
Often we receive messages in our sleep in the form of dreams or a clear vision. Perhaps a message just as we are waking. The Moon councils us to listen to these. Pay attention to those vague impressions that tend to fade away even before we become fully conscious of them. There are messages in them.
It is not that the Moon represents unclear vision or self deception. It is the subtlety of the energy that confuses us as we stand mesmerized but unable to express or capture what we are feeling. Subtle tides which go unnoticed, subtle shifts in the atmosphere. Don't overlook these little things. They are not hidden, they are always in plain sight. We just tend to miss them or dismiss them. When the Moon appears, it is a sign that these subtleties will be present in the situations in which we find ourselves.
The energy of the Moon is illusive. If we focus directly on it, it disappears. The Moon represents what is just at the edge of our consciousness and our impressions must be noted within rather than spoken out loud. Communing with these energies brings them into awareness and the more we do this the easier it becomes to recognize and make use of them consciously. Often not in line with rational thinking, do not attempt to explain them rationally to either yourself or others. Just broaden your awareness to include them.
And let us not forget what is best and most beautiful about Lunar energy. I think Leila Vey, creator of The Tarot of Timeless Truth, states it better than I’ve seen anywhere:
“Open yourself to mystery. Explore your dreams and visions for truth that will help you live to the fullest and find answers you seek. Welcome enchantment and imagination into your life to break up dreariness and monotony. Embrace the shadows for in them you will find great treasure.” Leila Vey
Reversed this card can indicate confusion, unclear vision, illusions, anxiety and vague irrational fears. It is best to explore these feelings to see if they have any basis in reality, rather than avoiding or trying to repress them.
Image: Tarot of Timeless Truth, The Moon